時間がある時は何してますか?What do you do in your free time?
When the weather is nice, you can often find me wandering around the neighborhood with rock music blasting in my ear, hunting for hidden gems. When the weather isn’t so cooperative, I like to kill time in movie theaters or museums.
日本に来て驚いたことは?What has surprised you since you came to Japan?
Since coming to Japan, I’ve been constantly surprised by how convenience stores really live up to their name. It seems I’m always discovering a new product or service at these ubiquitous stores.
あなたのホームタウンで面白いところ、またはあなたのホームタウンで恋しいことは?Something interesting about your hometown or what do you miss about your hometown?
Most people know Chicago for its deep dish pizza or its skyline, but I always think of the Museum Campus when asked about my hometown. I have many fond memories of taking school trips to the Field Museum and exploring the Museum of Science and Industry with my brother. Summer was incomplete without an aquatic show at the Shedd Aquarium.
日本でお気に入りの場所は?Favorite place in Japan?
My favorite place in Japan has to be Ninomaru Park in the shadow of Kumamoto castle. During my time in Kumamoto, I spent a lot of time reading a book under a tree or just taking in the scenery with my friends. It really is a breathtaking park.
日本でのお気に入りの思い出は?Favorite memory in Japan?
My favorite memory of Japan has to be when I went to my first Japanese rock concert with my friend in Hiroshima. It completely exceeded my expectations and I’ve been hooked on the crazy headbanging events ever since, sore necks and all.