時間がある時は何してますか?What do you do in your free time?
I like listening to and playing music. I make electronic music and get the chance to play shows all over Japan.
I also love sitting at home with a beer , watching my favorite football team lose, or watching a film on Netflix.
日本に来て驚いたことは?What has surprised you since you came to Japan?
I am still surprised by how connected people are to nature in Japan. I love the way people celebrate each season and there are well defined seasonal activities. I feel people in England take this for granted and never really stop to appreciate the world around them.
I am also surprised by the strong sense of community in Japan, something which I feel has been lost in England.
あなたのホームタウンで面白いところ、またはあなたのホームタウンで恋しいことは?Something interesting about your hometown or what do you miss about your hometown?
London has fantastic museums and art galleries that are free to visit. I would recommend anyone who visits London to spend an afternoon in The National Gallery. You can see over 3000 pieces, some dating back to the 12th century.
I also miss the range of vegetarian food available in London, although I must admit, Tokyo is catching up quickly.
日本でお気に入りの場所は?Favorite place in Japan?
My favorite place in Japan is a small club called Soup in Ochiai in Shinjuku. It`is located under a laundrette and is one of the best places to see live electronic music in Tokyo.
日本でのお気に入りの思い出は?Favorite memory in Japan?
The birth of my daughter.