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おすすめ洋書『Mirror mirror』📙


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特に英語で書かれた本は眠くなるのであまり好きではありませんが、私はカナダに住んでいたときにこの本「Mirror mirror」を買いました。これは私の大好きなモデル兼女優のカーラ・デルヴィーニュが書いたものです。
青少年向けのコーナーにあったので、それほど難しくなく、すぐに読み終えることができると思いました。しかし、正直に言うと、読み終わるまでに5年もかかりました。最初に挑戦したときは40ページ読んで断念しました笑 数年経ってからもう一度挑戦し、無事に読み終わることができましたが、1年近くかかりました。犯人が分かったとき、私は数秒立ち止まりました。この結末は想像していなかったので、ショックでした。最後の方は続きが気になって、夢中で読みました。


I’m not usually a book lover, especially if it is written in English because it makes me sleepy. However, when I lived in Canada, I bought a book called [Mirror Mirror] written by Cara Delevingne who is my favorite model and is also an actress.
This book is a suspenseful and coming-of-age story. The story revolves around four 16-year-old friends and explores the self-discovery, friendships, sufferings, and successes experienced during adolescence. One of their friends mysteriously disappears and the teens are forced to confront challenges and try to find out what happened to her.
It was in a teen’s book section, so I thought it would be less difficult. But I was so wrong! It took me 5 years to finish it! On my first try, I made it through 40 pages before I gave up. After a few years passed, I decided to read it again and it took almost 1 year to finish it.
When I found out who committed the crime, I stopped for a few seconds. I was a little shocked, because I really hadn’t seen the ending coming. Near the end, I was so curious about what would happen, I couldn’t put the book down.



coming-of-age: 青春




