NEWS お知らせ

Childhood Favourites


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A few days ago, I was browsing the Internet when I came across a series of horror novels called Goosebumps. It brought back memories of my primary school days. The series is aimed at kids despite being horror. I used to go to the library after school and look for a Goosebump book I hadn’t read before. Some books were scarier than others. There are over 200 books in the series! I don’t think I’ve read all of them.
Did you have a favourite book series when you were a kid?
What did you usually do after school?

*primary school – elementary school







Came across: ~をふと見つける、に出くわす

I was (browsing the Internet) when I came across (a series).

I was (walking around the station) when I came across (a new café).

I was (looking for a new jacket) when I came across (this shirt).


back memories:~を思い出す

(It) brings back memories.

(Koala no Machi chocolate) brings back memories.

(Rika-chan) brings back memories.


aimed at:○○向け

(The series is) aimed at (kids).

(Anpanman is) aimed at (toddlers).

(Gateball is) aimed at (retirees).


I don’t think I’ve:したことがないと思う

I don’t think I’ve (read all of them).

I don’t think I’ve (eaten South African food).

I don’t think I’ve (been to Uniqlo in Ginza).
