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Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
シャーロットの贈り物 著者:E.B. ホワイト




Eight-year-old Fern Arable is devastated when she hears that her father is going to kill the runt of his pig’s new litter. Persuading him that the piglet has the right to live and promising to look after it, she saves the animal and names him Wilbur. When Wilbur becomes too large, Fern is forced to sell him to her uncle. When Wilbur finds out that he will soon be slaughtered for Christmas dinner, he is horribly sad. Charlotte—the hairy barn spider—decides to help him, with the assistance of a sneaky rat named Templeton and some of the other animals in the barn they must save his life.


“‘Can I have a pig too, Pop?’ asked Avery. ‘No, I only distribute pigs to early risers,’ said Mr. Arable. ‘Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice. As a result, she now has a pig. A small one, to be sure, but nevertheless a pig…’”


Fun Facts About The Book(トリビア)!
Charlotte’s Web was published in 1952. The book is a classic of children’s literature, but adults also enjoy it.The original cover, drawn by Garth Williams, was sold at a New York auction for $155,000(¥16,950,000).


Persuading(原形:persuade): 説得する
The right to: 〜する権利
Forced: 強制された
Rid (Get rid of): 取り除く
