Korean Trip✈
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- 武蔵小杉校
Hello, everyone!
This is Hitomi from Musashikosugi.
This is out of the blue, but have you heard about a Korean drama called Itaewon Class? It was popular a few years ago, and the story is set in Itaewon. The show follows the love life, work life, and friendships of the main character, Park Sae-roi, who aims to become the top of the Korean food business. Actually, this drama is what made me fall in love with Korean dramas. When I went on a trip to Korea, I went to the filming location of Itaewon Class. I was really happy that I was able to go there in person.
First, I went to a restaurant called Changa in Myeong-dong that the characters visit in the show. Then, in Itaewon, I went to Seoul Bum, the Wall of Feathers, and the pedestrian bridge. Since the drama came out quite a while ago and isn’t as popular anymore, there weren’t that many people around these spots and I was able to take photos right away. Next time I go to Korea, I would like to visit the filming locations from other dramas. If you are a fan of Korean dramas and have the chance, you should stop by some filming locations, too!😊

out of the blue:突然、いきなり
pedestrian bridge:歩道橋
stop by:立ち寄る